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Joe Biden and Donald Trump square off for the second
and last time on a debate stage Thursday night in Nashville.
The action is set to begin at 9 pm ET (6 pm PT) on Thursday, October 22, and will be broadcast live from Belmont University,
a private Christian university in Nashville, Tennessee.
The debate will be organized into six 15-minute segments, each focused on a different topic as chosen by the moderator, NBC’s Karen Welker.
Welker announced her planned lineup last week: “Fighting Covid-19,” “American Families,” “Race in America,” “Climate Change,” “National Security,”
and “Leadership.” Altogether, the debate will last 90 minutes without commercial interruption.
How to Watch
Unlike the primary debates, which are televised by a rotating slate of channels, the presidential debates are simulcast across all the major networks
and cable news programs, including ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, FOX, NBC, PBS, Telemundo, and Univision.
If you have cable or satellite TV or a live streaming TV service, take your pick. Again, the debate is scheduled to kick off at 9 pm ET (6 pm PT).
Many networks also have special pre- and post-debate analysis coverage planned, so check your local listings if you’re into that sort of thing.
Most networks have streaming apps on the major providers: Apple TV, RokuAmazon Fire TVAndroid TVXbox One, and so on.
Many are also streaming the debate from their websites and on their various social media platforms.
PBS, for example, already helpfully has their stream ready to go on YouTube right here!
Bidens held hostage by the CCP meaning America is under siege.
Wow, what am I seeing here, Black Americans chanting "we want Trump"
and "drain the swamp" the media won't talk about it. Please Retweet!

Trước hết người viết không bao giờ quên được việc từ chối sự có mặt của người viết trên đất nước Hoa Kỳ qua câu phát biểu của ông tháng 4 năm 1975 “Hoa Kỳ không có trách nhiệm di tản một người chứ đừng nói 100.001 người Nam Việt Nam (The United States has no obligation to  evacuate one – or 100.001 South Vietnamese).
  Ông Joe Biden và đảng Dân chủ cấp tiến thiên tả đang đua đất nước Hoa Kỳ, một quốc gia có nền chính trị Cộng hòa ưu việt và một nền kinh tế tư bản thịnh vượng số một trên thế giới hàng thế kỷ qua trở thành một chế độ xã hội chủ nghĩa mà quý vị đã liều mạng một sống mười chết chạy trốn. Không lẽ quý vị lại muốn trở lại sống trong chế độ đó sao ?
  Hãy nhìn vào ông gíà Joe Biden 78 tuổi, với ngoại hình không mấy năng động, tinh thần thiếu linh hoạt với bệnh quên lảng thường xuyên xảy ra khi nói chuyện và tranh luận. Ông thiếu cái dáng vẽ của một nhà lãnh đạo cứng rắn và cương quyết, nhìn rộng trông xa so với Tổng thống Donald Trump. Một nhà lãnh đạo trong tương lai phải có khí phách, có tài thuyết phục quần chúng chứ không quỳ gối trước một tên tội phạm để xin phiếu.
  Ông Joe Biden đưa ra một cương lỉnh và các chính sách với những lời hứa hấp dẩn của một chế độ xã hội chủ nghĩa dài hàng hai chục trang giấy như một hệ thống y tế miển phí cho toàn dân, miển học phí cho sinh viên đại học, mở rộng các chương trình phúc lợi xã hội, tái phân phối lợi tức để nâng đỡ người nghèo bằng cách đánh thuế cao trên giới giàu v..v…
  Nhưng ông Joe Biden quên một điều là lấy tiền ở đâu ra để trang trải các chi phí trên, ước tính mấy trăm ngàn tỷ đô la. Chỉ có cách ra lệnh in tiền xả láng đưa đến lạm phát phi mã như trong xã hội chủ nghĩa độc tài Venezuela để rồi cả nước nghèo mạt, con nít phải moi móc thùng rác để kiếm ăn.
  Với 47 năm trong quốc hội, ông Joe Biden chỉ là ông nghị gật, ba phải, đã chẵng làm được gì ra trò, thì hy vọng gì ông làm ra cơm cháo để nhân dân được nhờ nếu đắc cử tổng thống.
  Người viết xin có đôi lời với quý vị trí thức khoa bảng và truyền thông.
  Thưa quý vị, người viết năm nay đã 85 tuổi, cũng như quý vị trong 45 năm qua đã được sống tự do, an toàn và sung túc trong một nền chính trị Cộng hòa tương đối ưu việt và một nền kinh tế tư bàn thịnh vượng số một trên thế giới. Một số quý vị và phần đông các con cháu của quý vị đã thực hiện được “Giấc mơ Hoa Kỳ” (American Dream), là bác sĩ, luật sư, kỷ sư, khoa học gia, tướng tá, triệu và tỷ phú v..v…Quý vị là những người có kiến thức, có suy luận, là ánh đuốc dẫn dắt quần chúng phân biệt được đâu là sự thật hay giả dối. thiện và ác.
  Tóm lại, người viết chỉ muốn nhắc nhở quý vị Ai là người đã từ chối sự có mặt của quý vị trên đất nước Hoa Kỳ này năm 1975 ? Ai và đảng phái chính trị nào đang đưa chúng ta trở lại sống trong một thể chế chính trị mà chúng ta đã trốn thoát nó 45 năm trước đây.
  Xin quý vị hành xử theo lương tâm và lý trí, đừng mắc bả “Tiền và Hư danh”
  Mong lắm thay !
  Kính chào 
   Đỗ Ngọc Hiển
** Thêm một thành quả ngoại giao của Tổng Thống Donald Trump và Chinh phủ Hoa Kỳ...
President Trump Says Sudan to Be Removed From U.S. List of State Sponsors of Terrorism
Updated: October 19, 2020 10:15 PM EDT | Originally published: October 19, 2020 5:03 PM EDT
(CAIRO) — President Donald Trump on Monday said Sudan will be removed from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism if it follows through on its pledge to pay $335 million to American terror victims and their families, but some hurt in the attacks weren’t happy with the deal.
The move would open the door for the African country to get international loans and aid needed to revive its battered economy and rescue the country’s transition to democracy. The announcement, just two weeks ahead of the U.S. presidential election, also comes as the Trump administration works to get other Arab countries, such as Sudan, to join the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain’s recent recognition of Israel.
Delisting Sudan from the state sponsors blacklist is a key incentive for the Sudanese government to normalize relations with Israel. Trump’s announcement came after Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin traveled to Bahrain to cement the Gulf state’s recognition of the Jewish state.
Trump tweeted: “GREAT news! New government of Sudan, which is making great progress, agreed to pay $335 MILLION to U.S. terror victims and families.
Once deposited, I will lift Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. At long last, JUSTICE for the American people and BIG step for Sudan!”
Sudan has agreed to pay compensation for victims of the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, attacks conducted by Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network while bin Laden was living in Sudan.
Gen. Abdel-Farrah Burhan, head of Sudan’s ruling sovereign council, welcomed Trump’s announcement as a “constructive step.” He said in a tweet the removal would come “in recognition of the historic change that has taken place in Sudan.”
Sudan is on a fragile path to democracy after a popular uprising last year led the military to overthrow autocratic leader Omar al-Bashir in April 2019. A military-civilian government now rules the country, with elections possible in late 2022.
In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok said getting off the list would help his government benefit from debt relief and access foreign loans and investments, which are seen as the country’s gateway to economic recovery. The country has more than $60 billion in foreign debt, he said.
“It’s a long way,” he said. “It needs serious planning and hard work to achieve the maximum benefit of this opportunity.”
Once the compensation money has been deposited, Trump is to sign an order removing Sudan from the terrorism list, on which it has languished under heavy American sanctions for 27 years.
Congress is then expected to act to restore Sudan’s sovereign immunity, which would effectively stop future compensation claims from being filed against it in U.S. courts. Meanwhile, Sudan is to begin the process of normalizing relations with Israel, possibly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joining a congratulatory phone call between Trump and Hamdok.
The designation of Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism dates back to the 1990s, when Sudan briefly hosted bin Laden and other wanted militants. Sudan was also believed to have served as a pipeline for Iran to supply weapons to Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.
The “state sponsors of terrorism” designation is one of the U.S. government’s most effective sanctions tools and bars virtually all non-humanitarian U.S. transactions with countries on it. It was created in 1979 to punish nations that fund or otherwise support terrorist acts. With Sudan’s removal, only Iran, North Korea and Syria will remain on the list.
Some victims denounced he settlement; others urged Congress to pass legislation needed to implement the agreement.
More than 500 of the 700 victims of the 1998 bombings at the U.S. embassies signed a letter rejecting Sudan’s settlement offer, partly because it would award more money to Americans than Africans who worked there.
The letter said the plan offers compensation dependent on a victim’s nation of birth, rather than the severity of injuries.
“This scheme would pay nothing at all to nearly a third of the embassy victims and categorizes naturalized U.S. citizens as non-Americans,” the letter said. “It sets the value of the life of a U.S. embassy employee born in Africa at only 8% of an employee born in America.”
Jack Quinn, counsel for the 9/11 families that sued Sudan, also expressed displeasure at the announcement. “The 9/11 families are counting on Congress to reject Sudan’s plea that our pending lawsuits be wiped out, and they insist it do nothing that would undermine them,” Quinn said.
However, Edith Bartley, spokesperson for the families of the Americans killed in the embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, thanked the State Department and the new government in Sudan for securing compensation for the victims. She said that once released, the compensation will fulfill a longstanding commitment to the victims first made by President George W. Bush, honored by President Barack Obama and now affirmed by Trump.
“We urge Congress to immediately pass the legislation that is needed to implement the agreement, and begin the payment process,” she said. “Congress cannot let this agreement fall victim to legislative gridlock and bickering. The victims, and our regional allies who wish to have Sudan emerge as a economically viable supporter of regional peace, are depending on Congress to act swiftly in support of this effort.”
Jonathan Schanzer at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies said removing Sudan from the terrorism list is an important achievement because Khartoum has helped fight Sunni extremists for nearly two decades and has worked to remove Iranian influence from Sudan since 2012.
“In this way, the country has addressed the reasons for its original listing as a state sponsor of terrorism,” he said.
Schanzer, a former terrorism finance analyst at the Treasury Department, said now that the delisting is to occur, it will important for the Trump administration to prioritize a normalization agreement. “The stars are aligned for such a deal,” he said. “It just needs a push.”


** Lại thêm một chiến thắng cho Tonton Donald Trump và Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ trong nổ lực mang lại hoa bình và trật tự trong vùng Trung Đông..
Associated Press writers Matthew Lee and Deb Riechmann in Washington contributed to this report.
Israel, U.A.E. to Allow Citizens Visa-Free Travel
The agreement is the first such arrangement between Israel and an Arab state
Israel, UAE Sign Visa Waiver Agreement

Netanyahu says he believes other countries understand that it is 'better to work together' ■ Delegations announce $3 billion dollar fund for regional development
A delegation from the United Arab Emirates landed in Israel on Tuesday to sign agreements, including a mutual visa waiver, representing another step in the normalization of ties between the two countries.
The delegation is also signing deals on cooperation in aviation, investment, science and technology, and is accompanied by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and White House adviser Avi Berkowitz. The UAE delegation is led by Minister of State for Financial Affairs Obaid Humaid Al Tayer. 
The visa waiver will allow the citizens of either country to visit the other without needing to be approved in advance.
Addressing the Emirati and U.S. delegations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the excitement about the agreements between the two countries is "enormous." It shows "the potential we're realizing today will benefit not just us, but the entire Middle East," he added, saying that he believes that other governments understand that it is "better to work together as friends." 
Speaking after the prime minister, Obaid Humaid Al Tayer said that he is honored to head the first Emirati delegation to Israel, and that conversations will continue and deepen between the two countries after the agreements are signed. He also announced the founding of the "Abraham Fund," a $3 billion, Jerusalem-based project to boost the Middle Eastern economy. 
A U.S. Embassy press release on the fund says that it will "will bolster regional trade, enable strategic infrastructure projects, and increase energy security through the provision of reliable access to electricity. The fund also aims to improve agricultural productivity and facilitate reliable and efficient access to clean water in the region."
An Etihad Airways plane carrying a delegation from the UAE lands at Ben Gurion Airport, October 20, 2020.Credit: JACK GUEZ - AFP
Following the signing, Netanyahu met with Al Tayer, UAE Economy Minister Abdulla bin Touq Al Mari, Manuchin and Berkowitz. 
During a lunch meeting, the Emirati delegation presented Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi with a letter from UAE foreign minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan officially requesting the establishment of an embassy in Israel, in the expectation of Israel doing the same in Abu Dhabi.
The UAE ratified its normalization deal, signed in a White House ceremony last month, on Monday
Israeli lawmakers endorsed the normalization agreement by a large majority on Thursday, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Knesset that he "still believe[d] that the Palestinians will one day sober up."
Netanyahu used his speech to take aim at lawmakers of the Joint List of predominantly Arab parties, who announced they will oppose the agreement. "You do not want a true peace. You want a mirage of peace where Israel falls apart and disappears," he said.
On top of the agreements with the UAE and Bahrain, Netanyahu added that “we will do this with further nations, strengthen the covenant of moderates.

Trump supporters from LI rally behind President, ill with COVID-19

By Matthew Chayes and James Carbone This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. @chayesmatthew Updated October 4, 2020 8:50 PM
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A caravan of President Donald Trump’s supporters drove Sunday from Ronkonkoma to Manhattan to pray outside Trump Tower for his recovery from coronavirus.
Standing in the street in front of Trump Tower’s gilded doors, group leader Shawn Farash, 29, of West Babylon, wore a "Team Deplorable" T-shirt — a dig at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 statement that half of Trump supporters could be put in a "basket of deplorables" — and doffed a colonial-era hat.
"I’m not going to lead any prayer. I'm going to ask everybody to silently send the energy themselves," he said, adding: "This is a serious situation. The leader of the free world is sick. The leader of the free world has been under attack for four years. The leader of the free world needs the free world's support."
Trump, who tweeted early Friday that he and his wife caught the virus, had days earlier hosted a mask-less, indoor reception at the White House for his nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Several attendees were also sickened.
In the caravan en route to the tower Sunday were Trump-themed flags hung from, or draped on, the vehicles. One truck, a "KEEP AMERICA GREAT" red-white-and-blue flag placed on the hood, bore a composite photograph of a grinning New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt, holding up the decapitated head of Lady Liberty by her crown’s spikes.
Attendees wore shirts bearing "BENGHAZI," "TRUMP 2020," "KEEP AMERICA GREAT," and "45."
At the tower, Tony Pagano of Whitestone, Queens, walked in the street waving a cellphone, weaving between trucks and shouting: "No violence here! A peaceful, quiet rally! For our President!"
Asked by a news photographer, "What would you wish him if you could say something to make him feel better?" Pagano, in Trump-themed clothes, said: "He’s gonna get well soon. He’s gonna be back on top. And he will be our President again. Without a doubt."
The group returned East to attend a pro-cop "Back the Blue" rally in Hauppauge.
Farash had said on Friday that the caravan would move through Times Square onward to Gracie Mansion, but on Sunday said those plans were a ruse.
"I put that up there," he said, "so that you-know-who thinks we are doing that."
Friday, he said, the group was worried about the far-left movement Antifa, interfering with their event.

Nolte: We All Know Why Joe Biden Is Hiding Out Two Weeks from Election Day
19 Oct 2020
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has been in hiding for days and intends to remain in hiding at least until Thursday night’s presidential debate, and I think we all know why…
Think about this…
Joe Biden’s mental frailty, his position on packing the Supreme Court, and his son Hunter’s emails are so bad, he and his campaign believe he is better off hiding from the public than going out and campaigning during the final two weeks of the election.
First, though, let’s talk about how outrageous it is for Biden to be so smug and secure in his victory, so smug and secure the national media will campaign on his behalf, that he thinks he can sit it out, hug the ball, run out the clock, while President Donald Trump is out there doing two and three events a day — while being president.
Never before in my 54 years have I seen anything like this. Okay, nothing about how corrupt and evil the national political media are in any way surprises me. Nothing. The media have embraced political terrorism… Not a surprise. The media are basically running Joe Biden’s campaign against Trump… Not a  surprise.
No joke — if we find out the media have hired assassins to take out their political opponents, that would not surprise in the least. Same with Big Tech.
So the media’s behavior does not surprise me. But Biden almost entirely removing himself from the campaign trail for days and days and days this close to an election… Amazing. Who would have ever thought the 2020 Democrat nominee would make Hillary Clinton look like a workhorse.
Biden thinks he can win this thing with TV ads and media coverage only… I mean, on top of making almost no campaign appearances, he has almost no ground game. No one’s knocking on doors for Joe.
But we all know the main reasons why Biden is hiding…
First off, Biden’s scared of being asked questions about his obvious desire to pack the Supreme Court with additional justices — which would mean the end of democracy. That’s not hyperbole. If you appoint a bunch of unelected Democrats to the Supreme Court with lifetime tenure, that’s the end of democracy — that’s turning the court over to an unaccountable legislature.
You see, if you intend to pack the court, it is better off to remain in hiding than to admit that.
Then there’s his son Hunter’s emails.
Joe Biden has not disputed those are indeed Hunter’s emails.
Hunter Biden as not disputed those are his emails.
The Biden campaign has not disputed those are Hunter’s emails.
And those emails are beyond damning. If they are indeed Hunter’s emails (and I believe they are), they expose Biden as a traitor and something akin to a mafia godfather using his crime family to enrich himself.
So, if the emails are real, Joe Biden is better off hiding than going out and campaigning.
There’s also the dementia. Hey, the national media have been diagnosing Trump with all kinds of ailments without examining him, so I’m just going to go ahead and tell you I believe Slow Joe is suffering from dementia, that he is sun-downing, that he is in no shape to be president, and both he and his campaign know it.
When you have dementia, you are better off hiding than campaigning.
Yep, I think we all know why Joe Biden is hiding out with only two weeks to Election Day


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