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                                      (Ở phần phía dưới có hình Linh Mục EDWARD MEEK)


** Nhận xét sau cuộc debate :

Ý kiến ngắn gọn về 3 nhân vật :

1- Cô điều khiển chương trình tối nay không đuọc “sáng sân khấu”, nhưng lịch sự, khéo léo, tuy vẫn giành sự trả lời nhiều hơn cho Biden vì là con gà của dân chủ,
nhưng không quá đáng để phải chê trách..

2- TT Trump đã có dịp nói ra rất nhiều điều thực tế minh bạch cho ông như: bank account bên China, dịch Covid, kỳ thị, số trẻ em lạc gia đình, Obama care,
môi trường sạch, ... lôi ra một số vấn đề thối nát trong gia đình Biden ...

3- Bác Bí Đần hôm nay hầu như chỉ chống chế, vẽ vời để đỡ đòn, nói khá nhiều toàn chê bai moi móc TT Trump nhưng đều bị đánh trả ! không thuyết phục!

Tóm lại : TT Trump tối nay xuất sắc so với hai lần trước và đã THẮNG cuộc debate cuối cùng này 👏👏👏


WATCH: Stanford University Economists Shred Biden’s Tax Plan
OCTOBER 21, 2020

Somebody just needs to pull the plug on Joe Biden’s mic. The man is clearly out of his depth when it comes to running for President.
The Democratic nominee unveiled his glorious tax plan the other day just to have top economists from Stanford University completely destroy the entire plan,
believing it to be a doomsday device for the economy.

Revealing his plan like a new showroom car, Biden said it would increase taxes on the rich, reinstate a host of tax regulations,
and create new subsidies for healthcare and renewable energy. While that might sound dandy to tax the rich and give to the poor,
a tactic the Democrats have used before, Stanford University is claiming the complete opposite.

Just watch below.




Stephen Mosher has been an expert on China (especially on internal affairs there) since 1982.
He is very well qualified to perceive what is going on.

It’s interesting that he notes the same bribe was offered to Jared Kushner, who turned it down.

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Population Research Institute <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 6:31 AM
Subject: China has bought and paid for Joe Biden and his entire family!
To: Thomas Sheahen <

Population Research Institute
China has bought and paid for Joe Biden and his entire family
Even if Joe Biden comes to understand the mortal threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to America, he’s in too deep to extricate himself and his family.
Steven W. Mosher
In the classic movie The Manchurian Candidate, an American prisoner of war is brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party into becoming an unwitting assassin of an anti-communist presidential candidate.
Leave it to Hollywood to sensationalize everything.
While the Chinese Communist Party is a master at brainwashing, and is certainly not averse to assassinations, it has long followed a simpler script where American politicians are concerned. The preferred ploy is for Party operatives to offer a politico’s immediate family members sweetheart business deals. The expectation is that the paterfamilias will then toe Beijing’s line — or else.
Both 2020 presidential candidates have been offered such barely disguised bribes. One candidate’s son-in-law was offered a half-billion-dollar “investment” into his family’s real estate firm. Jared Kushner — recognizing a bribe for what it was — sent the CCP operative packing. The other candidate’s son accepted a $1.5-billion “investment.” Then Hunter Biden went back to China at least five times for more.
Nobody pays useless money to a drug addict. The intended recipient of this largess was obviously “Pop” Joe Biden.
Now “Pop” says that he knows nothing — zip, zilch, nada — about his son’s business dealings in China and elsewhere. Son Hunter, on the other hand, complains in an email extracted from his defunct laptop that he has to give half of his earnings to “Pop.”
Dead computers don’t lie.
There’s one fact that jumps out from Biden’s record as vice president: wherever Obama puts him in charge of foreign policy as “point man,” whether it be Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, or China, America loses, and the Biden Family wins.
Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, doesn’t mince words about what he calls the Biden Crime Family. “What Hunter Biden is is a bagman,” says Giuliani. “I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from the Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the really big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is literally in the tens of millions of dollars.”
One leaked investigative report summarizes Hunter’s many business deals in China. To take just one example, his private equity deal called BHR, originally worth $1.5 billion, is now worth an estimated $6.5 billion. BHR is probably generating about $130 million a year in fees, of which 10 percent, or $13 million, would go to Hunter. According to Hunter’s email, half of this — or $6.5 million — would have to be turned over to “Pop.”
But the real big money will come when the Bidens sell their 10-percent stake in BHR, which at current valuations would be worth some $650 million. In actual fact, however, it will be worth whatever the CCP decides to pay the Bidens for it.
Giuliani sums up by saying, “[Joe Biden]’s asking to be president of the U.S. and he’s in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party. The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”
What did the Chinese Communist Party receive in return for its investment in the then–vice president?
Read more here
NOTE: This article originally appeared in Steven Mosher's blog on LifeSiteNews on October 19, 2020.
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It is certainly true that a whole lot more priests need to speak up in a similar way. It turns out that this priest in Towson, MD used to be an Anglican, but he and his entire parish came over to the Roman Catholics Church a couple years ago.

An interesting thought: there is virtually zero chance that a sermon like this might swing the vote in the very blue state of Maryland.

However, his motivation was to state the truth, not to cower in deference to political calculations.

Since his message went all over America, it will probably have a substantial effect in other, more important swing states.

A must-see homily from Fr. Edward Meeks delivered at Christ the King parish in Towson, MD on 10/11/2020. This is the homily that should be preached from every pulpit in America. PLEASE SHARE using one of the social media buttons below.

Chắc chắn đúng là cần phải có nhiều linh mục hơn nữa để lên tiếng theo phương cách tương tự. Được biết vị Linh mục này ở thành phố Towson, Maryland, từng là một người Anh giáo (Anglican) , nhưng ông và toàn thể giáo xứ của Ông đã chuyển đến với Nhà thờ Công giáo La Mã vài năm trước đây.

Một suy nghĩ thú vị: hầu như chắc chắn một bài giảng dù có tính thuyết phục như thế cũng không có thể xoay chuyển phiếu bầu ở bang xanh như Maryland.

Tuy nhiên, những nổ lực của ông là tuyên bố sự thật, không thu mình lại trước những tính toán chính trị.

Vì thông điệp của ông đã đi khắp nước Mỹ, nên nó có thể sẽ có tác động đáng kể ở các tiểu bang chiến trường , quan trọng hơn.

Bài nói chuyện không thể bỏ qua của Linh Mục Edward Meeks được truyền giảng tại giáo xứ Christ the King ở Towson, MD vào ngày 11 tháng 10, 2020. Đây là bài giảng nên được truyền rao từ mọi bục giảng ở Hoa Kỳ. Xin vui lòng tiếp tay phổ biến .

Một Vị Linh Mục Đã Nói Lên Sự Thật Về Joe Biden và Kamala Harris

Fr. Edward Meeks

Xin click vào link dưới đây




From: Tweety Nguyen Trump vs Biden.jpg
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 04:37:52 PM EDT
Subject: 16 October 2020








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