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Một vài tin mới liên quan đến những diễn tiến của hậu bầu cử 3/11/2020...


White House Press Conference 11-9-2020.png

** Cô Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press Secretary trong cuộc họp báo ngày 9/11/2020,
đã mạnh mẽ tố cáo bọn dân chủ thổ tả gian xảo, lừa đảo để chiếm đoạt cuộc bầu cử ngày 3/11/2020..

Chúng sẽ nhận lãnh những hậu quả tội phạm ấy trước Tối Cao Pháp Viện.

Kayleigh McEnany Says Democrats Committed Election Fraud Against President Trump

•Nov 9, 2020



Trumps Supporters Peaceful Protests..

🇺🇸71 Million Trump🇺🇸voters. It’s time we really fight back! Please copy and paste this and share to every Trump supporter you know!
We need to be impactful as we can starting November 13th.

It’s time to MOBILIZE!
It’s time we put forth the power we truly hold in this country. This working class truly is the heart of America. We are being tested!

Starting November 13th

❇️Step 1: Move to Parler and exit Facebook & Twitter

❇️Step 2: Turn off the TV. Do not tune into CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, NBC or any other mainstream media
stations. Tune into OAN or Newsmax (questionable on this one)
Read The Epoch Times.

❇️Step 3: November 13th - December 1st Do not spend any money on Amazon or any large retailers! Support only small businesses!

We don’t loot, we don’t burn we don’t turn to violence, we do things differently!


** Theo tiết lộ của American Report: Biden đã dùng Scoreboard và Hammer để chiếm đoạt Tòa Bạch Ốc,
như Obama và Biden đã làm trong cuộc tranh cử vào năm 2012..

Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election —
Just Like Obama And Biden Did In 2012 - The American Report

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | October 31, 2020 In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built […]

Xin click vào link dưới đây:



BREAKING: AG Barr Authorizes Federal Prosecutors to Pursue “Substantial Allegations”
of Voting Irregularities Before 2020 Election is Certified

 By Cristina Laila
Published November 9, 2020 at 6:13pm

US Attorney General Bill Barr authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified, per the Associated Press.
“In a memo to U.S. attorneys … Barr wrote that investigations ‘may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.’”
TRENDING: HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training -- OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

President Trump’s campaign on Monday evening filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania alleging “creation and implementation of illegal ‘two-tiered’ voting system for the election.”
“Voters in Pennsylvania were held to different standards simply based on how they chose to cast their ballot, and we believe this two-tiered election system resulted in potentially fraudulent votes being counted without proper verification or oversight,” Matt Morgan, Trump’s general counsel said.
The Trump campaign is seeking an emergency injunction to stop Pennsylvania officials from certifying Joe Biden’s victory.
Poll watchers in Wayne County filed a lawsuit alleging Detroit officials knowingly committed mass voter fraud.
There are other allegations of voter fraud in Clark County, Nevada, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Atlanta, Georgia.
Project Veritas has released videos of USPS whistleblowers in Pennsylvanian and Michigan claiming their supervisors told them to backdate ballots.
Another major development tonight:
Real Clear Politics on Monday night pulled their call for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.
Joe Biden came from a 700,000 vote deficit on Election night and with the help of OVER ONE MILLION NEW VOTES overtook President Donald Trump by Friday!
After illegally stuffing the ballot box with harvesting and midnight ballot dumps, Biden leads Trump in Pennsylvania by approximately 40,000 votes.

This is a breaking story…please refresh page for updates.


RealClearPolitics withdrew Joe Biden’s president-elect status Monday night after stripping him of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes.

RCP reversed Biden’s win in Pennsylvania bringing him back down below the 270 threshold to 259 electoral votes.
The reversal comes as votes continue to be counted and lawsuits fly.

RealClearPolitics (RCP) based in Chicago, claims to be an independent, non-partisan political news media company.
RCP is also a polling data aggregator.


RealClearPolitics Withdraws Biden’s PA Win rescinds President-elect Status

Real Clear Politics
RealClearPolitics withdrew Joe Biden’s president-elect status Monday night after stripping him of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes.
RCP reversed Biden’s win in Pennsylvania bringing him back down below the 270 threshold to 259 electoral votes. Although some sources argue that Real Clear Politics never called Pennsylvania to begin with, in the Presidential race.
The “live results” reversal comes as votes continue to be counted and lawsuits fly.
RealClearPolitics (RCP) based in Chicago, claims to be an independent, non-partisan political news media company. RCP is also a polling data aggregator.

Meanwhile, US Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.
On Monday afternoon, members of the Trump campaign announced two new lawsuits in Pennsylvania and Michigan, relying mostly on witnesses’ sworn statements but no concrete evidence. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany asked the public for “patience” while the campaign investigates further.

AMANDA HEAD: The Strangest People Are Coming Out To Back Trump
Home /Government, Politics, Videos/

November 9, 2020
| AAN Staff | Government,Politics,Videos | 3


Amanda Head is back to detail the latest voter fraud allegations emerging from the 2020 presidential election.
Amanda has compiled copious amounts of data from numerous sources to better understand what happened on election night and in the days since. A strange phenomenon has emerged simultaneously. An increasing number of people have reached out to her about the Trump campaign’s ongoing legal proceedings challenging Democrat shenanigans, including from people she had no idea supported the president:
That revelation further suggests the narrative promoted by Democrats and their media enablers isn’t resonating with more and more Americans.
To emphasize the points she makes Amanda shares an image of the presidential results from battleground states before officials inexplicably stopped counting in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day.
“Why would they stop counting,” she ponders. “This has never before happened in election history, where you have people counting votes say ‘Ah, nope, I’m gonna call it a night. I’m tired.’ That hasn’t happened and doesn’t happen, and it shouldn’t happen because what we saw ensue over the next few hours is the whole reason we are where we are today: fraud, fraud, fraud!”
Those concerns are especially salient in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. While the liberal media has closed ranks behind the claim that there’s no evidence of fraud, Amanda points out some hard truths, including that there are dozens of eyewitnesses from every swing state willing to sign affidavits stating otherwise under penalty of perjury.
The Trump campaign quickly dispatched an army of lawyers and statisticians across the country to analyze reported anomalies. Amanda stresses that the proverbial Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet. In fact, she’s still in the limo on the way to the opera. What happens in the days, weeks, and months ahead will decide the election’s outcome. No matter what, don’t count on the mainstream media to report the latest developments accurately.
Enjoy this and more content from Amanda every day at The Hollywood Conservative

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