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Tin mới: 4 nạn nhân là người gốc Đại Hàn....Fwd: 6 nạn nhân trong số 8 người bị giết
của vụ tấn công bằng súng dường như tất cả là phụ nữ Á châu…
Tình nghi thủ phạm.webp
BMH ///
Washington, D.C 
Xin chuyển đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH...
Tin bổ túc về vụ nổ súng thảm sát tại Atlanta, Georgia... này 16/03/2021....
Six of the victims were Asian, the authorities said, raising fears that there may have been a racial motivation to the crimes.
Sáu trong số các nạn nhân là người châu Á, những giới chức hữu trách quan ngại việc này làm tăng thêm nổi lo sợ,
có thể động cơ chủng tộc là nguyên nhân gây ra tội ác.
An official from the South Korean Consulate in Atlanta, citing the Foreign Ministry in Seoul,
confirmed on Wednesday that four of the eight killed were ethnic Koreans.
But the nationalities of the four women were not immediately known, the official said.
Một viên chức từ Lãnh sự quán Đại Hàn Dân Quốc ở Atlanta cho biết, theo tin từ Bộ Ngoại giao ở Seoul hôm thứ Tư,
xác nhận rằng bốn trong số tám người thiệt mạng là người dân gốc Đại Hàn.
Tuy nhiên, quốc tịch của bốn người phụ nữ này chưa được biết rõ trong lúc nàyviên chức này cho biết.
BMH ///
Washington, D.C

8 People Killed in Atlanta-Area Massage Parlor Shootings

Xin click vào link xem bản tin :
** Tuyên bố của Ông Marc Elrich, Quận trưởng ,
và Hội Đồng Quận Montgomery County về việc nổ súng tại Georgia, ngày 16/03/2021.

Chúng tôi xin gửi lời phân ưu và thông cảm sâu sắc đến gia đình, bạn bè và cộng đồng của các nạn nhân trong vụ nổ súng hàng loạt  lương tâm mới nhất của quốc gia chúng ta, đêm qua ở Georgia. Và, mặc dù không có động cơ cụ thể nào được các nhà chức trách cho biết vào thời điểm này, về lý do tại sao tội ác này lại xảy ra, chúng ta biết rằng tin tức về những hành vi bạo lực tiếp tục, có khuynh hướng chống lại cộng đồng người Mỹ gốc Á châu và vùng Đảo Thái Bình Dương (AAPI) của chúng ta.
Cộng đồng AAPI làm phong phú thêm cấu trúc của quốc gia chúng ta và đặc biệt ở đây tại Quận Montgomery. Họ sẽ không và sẽ không phải tiếp tục sống trong sự sợ hãi.
Chúng tôi đang liên lạc với các nhà lãnh đạo trong cộng đồng AAPI hôm nay và cung cấp các nguồn lực và sự bảo vệ - bao gồm tăng cường tuần tiểu xung quanh khu vực gia cư và doanh nghiệp của họ - để hỗ trợ họ về an ninh, có sự yên tâm và để giúp cho họ cảm thấy có được sự an toàn nhất có thể trong Quận Montgomery này.
** Tạm dịch : BMH
eSubscription - County's Digital Communication Services

Statement from Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and the County Council on the March 16 Shootings in Georgia

Montgomery County Maryland sent this bulletin at 03/17/2021 10:37 AM EDT

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Our condolences and sympathies are with the family, friends, and communities of the victims of our nation’s latest senseless mass shooting last night in Georgia. And, although there is not a specific motive cited by authorities at this time regarding why this crime happened, we do know that this tragic news continues a concerning trend of violence against our Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities.
The AAPI community enriches the fabric of our nation and specifically here in Montgomery County. They should not and shall not continue to live in fear.
We are reaching out to leaders within the AAPI communities today and offering resources and protection - including increasing patrols around their neighborhoods and businesses - to assist in their security, peace of mind and for them to feel as safe as possible in this County.
# # #
-----Original Message-----
From: Shen, Yi <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Wed, Mar 17, 2021 12:01 pm
Subject: IMPORTANT - Please share with your networks: County Executive's Statement regarding the mass shooting in Georgia

Dear Community Leaders,
The County Executive has released the following statement regarding the mass shooting in Georgia:
“Our condolences and sympathies are with the family, friends, and communities of the victims of our nation’s latest senseless mass shooting last night in Georgia. And, although there is not a specific motive cited by authorities at this time regarding why this crime happened, we do know that this tragic news continues a concerning trend of violence against our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.
The AAPI community enriches the fabric of our nation and specifically here in Montgomery County. They should not and shall not continue to live in fear.
My office is reaching out to leaders within the AAPI communities today and offering resources and protection - including increasing patrols around their neighborhoods and businesses - to assist in their security, peace of mind and for them to feel as safe as possible in this county.”

The County Executive has repeatedly stated that Montgomery County will not tolerate hate crimes towards the Asian community.  Please contact the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) if anyone in the community has experienced a hate crime or hate-bias incident.  In previous meetings with the community, Chief Marcus Jones has stated that MCPD will investigate every claim that is reported to them.  Please call 911 if it's an emergency or 301-279-8000 if it's a non-emergency issue.  
Per the press release, if you feel unsafe either in your business, your organization, or your neighborhood, and would like increased police presence/patrols, please let me know and I can contact MCPD.  Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me at 240-277-3684.  ​
The County Executive and Councilmembers are planning a solidarity event for Friday.  I will update you as soon as I have more details.
Mr. Yi Shen
Asian Liaison
Office of Community Partnerships

BMH ///
Washington, D.C
Breaking News 1.gif
Xin chuyển tin đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH...
Mời xem để tường..
Trân trọng..
BMH ///
Washington, D.C
** 6 nạn nhân trong số 8 người bị giết, của vụ tấn công bằng súng dường như tất cả là phụ nữ Á châu…
    Hy vọng không có nạn nhân nào là đồng hương của chúng ta Pray
** All six victims of the Atlanta shootings appeared to be Asian women, police told the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Ít nhất một tay súng đã giết chết tám người tại ba tiệm massage ở khu vực Atlanta  hôm thứ Ba,
và cảnh sát nói rằng họ đang cố gắng xác định động cơ của các vụ tấn công giết người ( máu lạnh ) này..
Ít giờ sau, cảnh sát đã bắt giữ được kẻ tình nghi giết người, Robert Aaron Long, 21 tuổi, cư ngụ tại Woodstock. Georgia..
Tình nghi thủ phạm.webp
Tình nghi thủ phạm: Robert Aaron Long, 21 tuổi..
8 dead in 3 shootings at massage parlors in Georgia; police investigating motive; suspect arrested
At least one gunman killed eight people at three Atlanta-area massage parlors Tuesday and police say they are trying to determine a motive for the brazen attacks. 
Hours after the killings, a 21-year-old man was captured in southwest Georgia. Cherokee County sheriff’s Capt. Jay Baker said Robert Aaron Long of Woodstock, Georgia, was taken into custody in Crisp County on Tuesday night, about 150 miles south of Atlanta.
Baker said they believe Long is the suspect in all three shootings.
The Atlanta Police Department responded to calls of a robbery in progress shortly before 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sergeant John Chafee said in an emailed statement to USA TODAY. Police found three women dead when they arrived at the scene. 
While police were at the first scene, they received calls regarding shots fired across the street, Chafee said. They responded and found another woman who had been fatally shot inside a massage parlor. 
Around 5 p.m., five people were shot at Young's Asian Massage Parlor in Acworth, about 30 miles north of Atlanta, Baker said. Two of the victims were dead and three were transported to a hospital where two of them also died, Baker said. The Cherokee Sheriff's Office released a photo of a suspect on Facebook Tuesday evening
Around 5 p.m., five people were shot at Young's Asian Massage Parlor in Acworth, about 30 miles north of Atlanta, Baker said. Two of the victims were dead and three were transported to a hospital where two of them also died, Baker said. The Cherokee Sheriff's Office released a photo of a suspect on Facebook Tuesday evening
The victims in the Acworth shooting were two Asian women, a white woman and a white man, Baker told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The fifth victim was a Hispanic man who was injured and taken to the hospital.
All four victims of the Atlanta shootings appeared to be Asian women, police told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. 
"Having these two shootings occur at massage parlors and with knowledge of Cherokee County's shootings, Zone 2 commanders quickly dispatched officers to check nearby similar businesses and patrols have been increased in those areas," Chafee said.
Deputies in Crisp County received information from Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds that Long was traveling south in a black SUV around 8 p.m., a spokesperson with the Crisp County Sheriff's told USA TODAY. He was spotted by Georgia State Patrol troopers and Crisp County deputies -- a GSP trooper performed a PIT maneuver to stop Long, and he was arrested and transported to the Crisp County Detention Center.
"Many have asked whether these shootings are related to Cherokee County's shootings," Chafee said. "At the moment, it is too early to confirm that, but we have spoken with Cherokee County officials and we are looking into that possibility."
In a tweet, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said he appreciated Long's "quick apprehension" by law enforcement officers who captured Long, who was traveling on the highway before police stopped him. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Bphuong
To: Chú Bmh <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Tue, Mar 16, 2021 11:08 pm
Subject: Hy vong không có vn chêt’
