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Fwd: Tổng hợp tin tức mới nhất cuối ngày 24/02/2022, chiến sự tại Ukraine, dưới gót
giày xâm lăng của Nga sô..

BMH  ///
Washington, D.C 

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Tổng hợp tin tức mới nhất cuối ngày 24/02/2022, chiến sự tại Ukraine, dưới gót giày xâm lăng của Nga sô..
Nga sô tuyên bố cuối tuần này sẽ chiếm được thủ đô Kiev của Ukraine..
Xin mời Quý Vị theo dõi để tường..

BMH  ///
Washington, D.C 
A.- Watch How Russia’s Military Attack on Ukraine Unfolded | WSJ
Feb 24, 2022
B.- Russia declares war on Ukraine: what we know so far
Feb 24, 2022
C.- Digging into the Russian-Ukraine conflict and what comes next
Feb 24, 2022
Ukraine 12.avif
Ukraine 11.avif
1.- Máy bay phản lực Su27 của Ukraine bị bắn rơi ở Kyiv, khi thủ đô bị tấn công từ hỏa tiễn hành trình và xe tăng của Putin di 
chuyển cách thành phố 20 MILES: Zelensky nổi giận với Biden vì đã để đất nước của mình 'một mình' và nói rằng Điện Kremlin 
đã đánh dấu anh ta là 'mục tiêu số một.
Ukrainian Su27 jet is shot down over Kyiv as capital comes under attack from 'cruise missiles' and Putin's tanks move within 20 MILES of city: Zelensky rages at Biden for leaving his country 'alone' and says Kremlin has marked him as 'target No.1'
·         Kyiv came under intense bombardment at around 4am local time on Friday, with the sky ablaze
·         Ukraine's government said that one missile was intercepted by the city's defense systems, but another hit a residential building 
·         A Ukrainian SU-27 jet was shot down over the capital by a surface-to-air missile, a source told CNN 
·         US security officials fear Kyiv will fall in 96 hours and the government will be toppled within a week
·         Russian forces have sized control of Chernobyl, with video revealing tanks parked in front of the reactor
·         Came after 'fierce' battle with condition of nuclear waste storage facilities 'unknown', Ukraine said 
·         Meanwhile NATO-member Turkey said one of its ships was hit by a 'bomb' near Odessa - underlining fears that the alliance could easily get sucked into the conflict and spark all-out war in Europe
·         Citizens in Kyiv have been rushed to shelters, after the government warned Russia will soon bomb the city 
PUBLISHED: 16:58 EST, 24 February 2022 | UPDATED: 22:50 EST, 24 February 2022
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Ukraine 21.avif
The attack has come to Ukraine on all fronts with bombs and missiles dropped on targets across the country in the early hours, followed by troop attacks from Crimea, the Donbass, 
Belgorod and Belarus as well as helicopter landings in Kyiv and at power plants on the Dnieper River. Chernobyl nuclear power plant has also fallen to Russian forces
Ukraine 22.avif
2.- Ukraine tấn công đáp trả: Quân đội của Ukraine  đã bắn rơi 5 máy bay trực thăng của Nga, 
phá hủy hàng chục xe tăng - và toàn bộ một tiểu đoàn đã 'đầu hàng,
 vì không nhận ra mình đã được cử đi để giết người'
Ukraine strikes back: Kyiv's troops have already shot down five Russian helicopters, destroyed dozens of tanks - and entire battalion 'surrenders because they didn't realise they had been sent to kill'
·         Ukrainian forces have shot down five helicopters, destroyed dozens of tanks and captured dozens of troops
·         Kyiv's military is far inferior to its Russian counterpart with an air defence system dating back to the Soviet era
·         Nato and U.S. have made it clear that no troops will be sent and left Ukraine military to hold off assault alone
PUBLISHED: 10:31 EST, 24 February 2022 | UPDATED: 19:31 EST, 24 February 2022
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Ukraine 31.avif
Lò thiêu xác lưu động, để hỏa táng các xác quân Nga tử trận, hầu xóa hết dấu vết xâm lăng..!!!
This image taken from a 2013 video of the 'mobile crematoriums' shows how the incinerator hidden within the truck opens up to dispose of soldiers' bodies. These crematoriums are among the vehicles that are thought to be following Russian troops around in an effort to hide the true scale of war 
3.- Các lò hỏa táng di động của Nga được thiết kế để 'làm bốc hơi' xác những người lính đã chết 
và che giấu quy mô thực sự của chiến tranh - như những người mẹ đau khổ nói rằng,
 con trai của họ đã bị lừa gia nhập quân đội của Putin và nói rằng họ sẽ đến Ukraine để tập trận.
REVEALED: Russia's mobile crematoriums designed to 'evaporate' dead soldiers and hide true scale of war - as distraught mothers say their sons were tricked into joining Putin's army and told they were going to Ukraine for practice drills
·         The mobile crematoriums look like ordinary trucks but have hidden incinerators inside 
·         They are among Russia's war vehicles and are following its troops in Ukraine, a sinister indicator of what is to come 
·         UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace on Thursday said he would be 'deeply worried' if he was a Russian soldier
·         Meanwhile frantic Russian mothers are complaining in their droves that their sons were duped into the war
·         The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers says young men were told they were going to the border for drills
·         Once they arrived, their contracts were changed to say they were there to fight and now none can be reached
·         Putin launched airstrikes on Ukraine this morning in an act of war that has stunned and saddened the world 
·         NATO is sending troops to the region and the US has sent 14,000 troops to Germany to be on standby 
·         President Biden on Thursday said the US would be imposing  sanctions on Russian oligarchs and banks 
PUBLISHED: 17:30 EST, 24 February 2022 | UPDATED: 17:38 EST, 24 February 2022
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