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Xin chuyển đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH MỘT SỐ TIN TỨC CẬP NHẬT.
Một số tin tức ghi nhận đến những biến chuyển liên quan của hậu bầu cử 3/11/2020...
Xin mời Quý Vị bỏ ít thì giờ quý báu theo dõi và tùy nghi thẩm định...
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** Xin mời Quý Vị xem 2 video clips dưới đây:
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 ** Bà Sydney Powell trong đoàn luật sư của TT Trump đã nhắc đến việc công bố the Kraken..
To know the Kraren.
Greg Rubini analyses the Kraken.

What's Kraken?
While you may not agree that President Trump is a strategic genius who sees things far into the future and prepares for all contingencies, it cannot be doubted that two years ago he anticipated foreign interference with our election process and issued in an Executive Order a means to investigate and punish any person, group or country which engaged in such international election fraud. 
It’s a lengthy order and I’ll try to note some of the most significant portions of it. It tasks the DNI with preparing a report of the investigative results of such interference no later than 45 days after an election, but specifies:
d) Nothing in this order shall prevent the head of any agency or any other appropriate official from tendering to the President, at any time through an appropriate channel, any analysis, information, assessment, or evaluation of foreign interference in a United States election.
(e) If information indicating that foreign interference in a State, tribal, or local election within the United States has occurred is identified, it may be included, as appropriate, in the assessment mandated by section 1(a) of this order or in the report mandated by section 1(b) of this order, or submitted to the President in an independent report. [Emphasis added]
Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:
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 Gian lận công khai ở Georgia..
BREAKING: Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published November 16, 2020 at 6:47pm
Project Veritas has insiders in the Georgia recount that are catching votes wrongly attributed to Joe Biden.
“The second person was supposed to be checking it right, three times in three minutes she called out Biden,” the RNC monitor told Project Veritas. “The second auditor caught it and she said, “No, this is Trump.”
He continued, “Now, that’s just while I’m standing there. So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady in three times in three minutes from 2:09 to 2:12 she got three wrong.”
The RNC monitor told Project Veritas that the ballot counter became hostile toward him after he reported her to the elections officals.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ordered an audit and recount of all Georgia ballots, however officials are not checking signatures.
The statewide recount is still ongoing in several counties, the deadline for completion is 11:59 p.m. Wednesday.
On Monday it was revealed in Floyd County, Georgia over 2,600 votes were not counted due to a server error, allegedly by a Dominion tabulating machine.
The found votes reportedly favor President Trump almost two-to-one, cutting Joe Biden’s approximate 14,000 vote lead by about 800 votes.
Brad Raffensperger on Monday evening immediately called for the elections director to step down.
David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party said GOP observers are limited to one credentialed monitor for each ten counting tables.
“Congressman Doug Collins and I asked for a one to one ratio yesterday but our request was refused,” David Shafer said.

Gian lật công khai ở Georgia...

"No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
 A GOP recount observer in Georgia claims that several ballots recorded as Biden were actually votes for Trump, and workers conducting the recount became angry when he reported what was happening to elections officials
The insider told Project Veritas, "The second person was supposed to be checking it right, three times in three minutes she called out Biden," adding "The second auditor caught it and she said, “No, this is Trump.”"
"Now, that’s just while I’m standing there. So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady in three times in three minutes from 2:09 to 2:12 she got three wrong.”" he continued, adding "They were calling their bosses. They were pointing at me..."
Earlier in the day, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hit back against claims that he facilitated an unfair, illegal ballot count. He's also been accused of trying to skip the manual recount altogether, and initially "wanted to just rescan the bar codes & be done with it."
** Một chuyện khác về tên trùm Mafia Skinny Joey’ Merlino...
-----Original Message-----
From: DVN <>
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Mon, Nov 16, 2020 9:31 pm
Subject: Re: Từ từ ra manh mối -- Xin nhờ ACE chuyển giúp

If I used Google search, I found nothing today or this week with regard to Merlino.
I searched using and found following URL.  Please abandon Google search from now on for real news.
But an associate says that Merlino might just be willing to flip on Joe Biden and the Pennsylvania political operatives who ordered up some 300,000 election ballots marked for Biden. The source alleges that Merlino and a lean team of associates manufactured those ballots at a rate of $10 per ballot — a whopping $3 million for three days of work. They were then packaged into non-descript cardboard boxes and dropped off outside the Philadelphia Convention Center.
 Sources who spoke to The Chronicle on the condition of anonymity say that Merlino picked up those ballots from two private households where a trusted handful of associates were busily marking ballots with Sharpie markers. They were paid more than $1,000 per hour, often producing thousands of ballots every hour for more than 60 nearly-consecutive hours.
If you think President Trump is NOT already 5 steps ahead of the cheating Democrats, then you just haven’t been paying attention the last 4 years.
Do you think he was really caught by surprised by all their cheating?
 Diem ‘Richard’ Nguyen
** Chúng nó thuê tên trùm Mafia in phiếu bầu giả cho Joe Biden...
Nay tên này có thể đồng ý thú tội, tố cáo, để được giảm án hay tha tội (!)
Một lá phiếu $ 10.00, ba ngày làm việc, bợ ba triệu đô !
Nothing but tiền mặt !!
A common heritage for a common future

How a Philly Mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden

Biden and Merlino By cloverchronicle
The innermost circles of the American mafia are abuzz. The Boss of the Philly mob — ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino — is taking a victory strut, hobnobbing around the highest echelons of old-time mafia folk, mostly in Florida, describing what may have been the heist of the century: the 2020 presidential election.
The feat is drawing praise from far-flung corners of the Italian American business community, which sees the thanks of a grateful administration as key to the revival of the community’s political influence.
 But an associate says that Merlino might just be willing to flip on Joe Biden and the Pennsylvania political operatives who ordered up some 300,000 election ballots marked for Biden. The source alleges that Merlino and a lean team of associates manufactured those ballots at a rate of $10 per ballot — a whopping $3 million for three days of work. They were then packaged into non-descript cardboard boxes and dropped off outside the Philadelphia Convention Center.
Sources who spoke to The Chronicle on the condition of anonymity say that Merlino picked up those ballots from two private households where a trusted handful of associates were busily marking ballots with Sharpie markers. They were paid more than $1,000 per hour, often producing thousands of ballots every hour for more than 60 nearly-consecutive hours.
The ballots were purchased in cash.
It’s thought that Democratic Party operatives working inside Philadelphia’s election office provided Merlino with crates of raw ballots just hours before polls closed on election night, which he transported to two private households in South Philadelphia.  By 10 p.m. that night Merlino’s operation was already generating more than 3,000 ballots per hour, which quickly scaled to more than 6,000 ballots per hour before midnight.
But now, Merlino might just be willing to flip on Biden — in primetime Congressional testimony — if President Donald J. Trump is willing to issue the longtime mobster a full expungement of his decades-long criminal record.  And, of course, Merlino wants to be pardoned for the election fraud itself and any crimes to which he may incriminate himself during his testimony.
He wants a clean record. He wants to fish and hunt on federal lands.  He’d really like a job with the National Parks Service. You need a clean record to get those things,” explains one confidant.  “But most of all he wants the thanks of a grateful nation for coming forward.”
“He wouldn’t mind a little fame — or a lot of fame,” he jokes.  “If he comes forward he’ll probably get a book deal and a movie franchise.”
Political observers believe that Merlino could sell the rights of his story to a major Hollywood production studio for more than $20 million, and a book deal could yield as much as $10 million.
“You have to understand the thing about Skinny Joey is that he is very charismatic and knows how to tell an enthralling story,” the associate explains.  “He’d be an incredible movie narrator, and he’d perform excellently in congressional testimony.  He could hit that testimony so far out of the ballpark that he becomes a superstar instantaneously — a real celebrity presence.”
The damning congressional testimony — being tentatively dubbed ‘The Biggest Heist in Political History’ —  could make it politically impossible for the
Republican-controlled legislature in Pennsylvania to certify the State’s 20 electoral votes.
From: Trinh Huynh <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Mon, Nov 16, 2020 9:22 pm
Subject: PSXH> Ông trùm Mỹ gốc Ý đồng ý lật tẩy Đảng Dân chủ để được xóa hồ sơ tội phạm? (Bản tin đăng với sự dè dặt)

Thông tin độc quyền cho biết, anh ta cùng nhóm tội phạm của mình đã nhận tiền của Đảng Dân chủ để “sản xuất” phiếu bầu cho Biden trong đêm bầu cử, và giờ sẵn sàng cung cấp lời khai vạch trần vụ việc để được xóa bỏ các tội lỗi của mình.
Luật sư của chiến dịch Tổng thống Trump, Giám đốc điều hành của Trung tâm Luật và Công lý Hoa Kỳ, Jordan Sekulow đã tweet một bài báo độc quyền từ Buffalo Chroniclecho biết ông trùm tội phạm gốc Ý, Joey Merlino, có thể sẵn sàng lật tẩy các hoạt động của Đảng Dân chủ để được xóa hoàn toàn hồ sơ tội phạm kéo dài hàng chục năm của mình.
😎Ngoài việc tweet liên kết đến bài báo của Buffalo Chronicle, Sekulow đã tweet: “Theo dõi tất cả các chỉ dẫn về # Bầu cử 2020 ĐỘC QUYỀN: Làm thế nào một tên trùm của đám du thủ du thực Philadelphia lại đánh cắp được cuộc bầu cử – và tại sao anh ta có thể lật tẩy Joe Biden”:😎
Theo Buffalo Chronicle, một cộng sự nói rằng Merlino có thể sẵn sàng lật tẩy Joe Biden và các quan chức chính trị Pennsylvania, những người đã ra lệnh để khoảng 300.000 phiếu bầu cử được tích cho Biden. Nguồn tin cáo buộc rằng Merlino và một nhóm cộng sự của anh ta đã sản xuất những lá phiếu đó với tỷ lệ 10 đô la mỗi lá phiếu – một con số khổng lồ 3 triệu đô la cho ba ngày làm việc. Sau đó, chúng được đóng gói trong các hộp các tông không có mô tả và được thả bên ngoài Trung tâm Hội nghị Philadelphia.
Các lá phiếu đã được mua bằng tiền mặt.
Người ta cho rằng các nhân viên của Đảng Dân chủ làm việc bên trong văn phòng bầu cử của Philadelphia đã cung cấp cho Merlino những thùng phiếu thô chỉ vài giờ trước khi các cuộc bỏ phiếu đóng cửa vào đêm bầu cử, sau đó anh ta vận chuyển đến hai hộ gia đình tư nhân ở Nam Philadelphia. Đến 10 giờ tối hôm đó nhóm của Merlino đã tạo ra hơn 3.000 phiếu bầu mỗi giờ, con số này nhanh chóng tăng lên hơn 6.000 phiếu bầu mỗi giờ trước nửa đêm.
Nhưng bây giờ, Merlino có thể sẵn sàng lật tẩy Biden – trong lời khai trước Quốc hội – nếu Tổng thống Donald J. Trump sẵn sàng tuyên bố xóa án tích kéo dài hàng thập kỷ của tên cướp lâu năm. Và, tất nhiên, Merlino muốn được ân xá về hành vi gian lận bầu cử và bất kỳ tội danh nào mà anh ta có thể tự nhận trong lời khai của mình.
Jordan Sekulow đã xuất hiện trên Newsmax sáng nay, nơi anh ấy thảo luận về cập nhật mới nhất về những gì đang xảy ra liên quan đến các cuộc bỏ phiếu bất hợp pháp ở Pennsylvania. Nếu bài báo của Buffalo Chronicle có gì đó không đúng sự thật, thì tại sao luật sư của Trump lại tweet nó?
Hiện tại chưa thể xác nhận các cáo buộc do Buffalo Chronicle đưa ra, chúng tôi chỉ đơn giản là báo cáo về bằng chứng mà chúng tôi phát hiện ra có thể có tác động đến kết quả của cuộc bầu cử.☘️☘️☘️
** Chúng nó quên rằng, trước bầu cử mụ phù thủy Hillary Clinton đã "cố vấn" cho Joe Biden...nhớ đừng đầu hàng ...
Nay bầu cử chưa có kết quả, chỉ là dự đoán bởi bọn truyền thông thổ tả,
chúng lại muốn TT Tump đầu hàng dâng quốc gia này cho tên ngủ gục....
November 12, 2020
Concede Nothing -- There IS No ‘President-Elect’ Yet
The media continue to build upon the shaky foundation they poured on Saturday when they prematurely called the 2020 Presidential Election for Joe Biden. Rising from the traditional “nothing to see here” to the admonishing “all votes have been counted” and ultimately to Whoopi Goldberg’s incendiary “suck it up,” it seems clear that the plan is to make the election over simply because they say the election is over. 
And, despite Hillary’s strong suggestion that Biden not do so under any circumstances, the mask-muffled screams from Trump-haters of all persuasions demand that the president accept that Election 2020 is over and concede that he’s lost.  Lost, believe it or not, to a bumbling, poorly scripted automaton in the throes of rapidly creeping dementia.
Except that it’s not over.  Not by a longshot.
Not with ongoing ballot counting in key states, a fast-growing number of serious legal challenges pending in previously “called” states and an even faster-growing number of sworn (under penalty of perjury) fraud allegations, it’s not.
And more to the point, it’s not over until at least 71 million Trump-voting Americans (that we know of) who have every reason to smell yet another big fat Democrat Rat have been at least somewhat convinced it’s over.  Not by dismissive acceptance speeches or talk of transition teams and task forces and ridiculous cabinet choices from Joe Biden.  Not by the celebratory dancing of blathering woke-parvenus playing endless games of virtue-signal-tag in the playground of social media.  
But rather by reasonable and irrefutable facts, dished out in helpings of very viable responses to very viable accusations of widespread systemic election fraud.  Accusations which continue to grow in number, scale, variety and, most importantly, credibility.
In just the past few days, fresh news stories of widespread and wide-ranging vote-rigging schemes, particularly in vital swing-states, have broken as fast as Pro-Joe Media can ignore them and Twitter can block them.  To name just a few, I offer ballot-scanner misreads and software “glitches,” all miraculously changing Trump votes to Biden votes as well as dozens (and growing) of sworn affidavits by eyewitnesses of magically appearing Biden ballots and mysteriously disappearing Trump ballots, often at the hands of corrupt election officials.
Speaking of whom, have you heard the story of Richard Hopkins, a Pennsylvania postal employee who blew the whistle on Postmaster Rob Weisenbach's order to backdate late ballots to Nov. 3?  News of Hopkins’s conversations with federal investigators apparently prompted the WaPo to publish a hit-piece on him, wrongfully claiming he had recanted his allegations --  something he fervently denies [video].  In a word: Wow.
And there’s more:  More late ballot backdating, more mass-voter-fraud by Detroit officials, fabricated proof of residence data for illegal and deceased voters, sudden huge swaps in county Trump and Biden tallies, apparently by intentional injection, and even an alleged link between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and the company responsible for the data-manipulating voting machines, which have added hundreds of thousands of bogus Biden votes nationwide (See here,  here,  herehere and here).
These incredibly credible whistleblower reports continue to roll in, adding further evidence to the attempted coup and substance to the lawsuits ahead.
Team Trump got that ball rolling on Monday, filing a lawsuit [PDF] in Pennsylvania seeking an emergency injunction to stop officials from certifying Joe Biden’s victory due to “potentially fraudulent votes being counted without proper verification or oversight.”
Trump spokespeople have promised a slew of similar filings, and, given the recent increased inflow of sworn voter fraud complaints, there’s little reason to doubt them.
Yet, by far the strongest of Team Trump’s court challenges is not one of voter fraud, but rather judicial fraud.  In March of this year, the 5-to-2 Democrat Pennsylvania Supreme Court bowed to leftist pressure and, purportedly in response to COVID-19, extended the mail-in ballot deadline by an arbitrary three full days.  Not due to ambiguities or unconstitutionality, as is usually the case, but simply because after declaring coronavirus a "natural disaster," they felt empowered to just throw out the existing law and write a new one, effectively changing election day in Pennsylvania. 
This one will surely be re-decided quickly by the Supreme Court.  SCOTUS had previously passed on the case by a 4-4 pre-Amy Coney Barrett vote, a decision so outrageously bad that one intrepid Justice, Samuel Alito, broke with tradition by making it his personal project to revisit it after the election.  Indeed, this one will most certainly go Trump’s way.
So what impact will these allegations, sworn or not, together with well-targeted and favorably adjudicated lawsuits, have on who resides at 1600 Penn for the next 4 years?  Check this out.
As of this writing (11/11/2020 02:00 EST) Real Clear Politics has NOT called Pennsylvania or awarded its 20 votes to anyone, media reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Nor Alaska (3), North Carolina (15), Georgia(16) or Arizona (11) – All too close to call.  In fact, the renowned and highly respected aggregator of election statistics has Biden 11 electoral votes short of the 270 required to substantiate the dubious title of “president elect” he’s been bestowed. 
Indeed, until all votes are not only counted but also verified (and State certified), there is no president-elect.  Sure, Sleepy Joe can call himself whatever floats his boat, be it Joe, Jill, or, during particularly demented moments, even Hunter.  And so long as the media dutifully parrot his choice, he can lay claim to whatever title his demented mind desires, including president-elect. 
And speaking of counting votes, why not do some vote counting of your own – electoral votes that is?  RCP has Trump at 214 and Biden at 259.  270 wins; winner takes it all.  65 votes still up for grabs.  Oh, and Michigan, which was called blue, has 16.  Any guesses why I mention that?
Heads exploded everywhere on Monday when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to an impudent question about his employees’ preparations to engage with Joe Biden’s transition team by declaring with a smile, “There will be a smooth transfer of power … to a second Trump administration.” 
How dare he suggest it’s not over and that Trump may still emerge the victor?  Did that smile suggest he knows something we don’t?
Finish the math yet?
Marc Sheppard is a data analyst, software engineer, and writer
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