Thời Sự


Tổng hợp bản tin, bài viết trong ngày 4/12/2020... Xin mời theo dõi để tường và tùy
nghi thẩm định..
Sat 12/5/2020 4:54 AM
Xin chuyển đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH....
Tổng hợp bản tin, bài viết trong ngày 4/12/2020...
Xin mời theo dõi để tường và tùy nghi thẩm định...
1.- Đặc biệt xin kính, thân mời Quý Vị hiện đang cư ngụ tai Valdosta, Georgia... tham dự buổi rally với TT Donald Trump....
ủng hộ cuộc bầu cử lần nhì ( Run Off ),  tái tranh cử, của hai ứng cử viên Thượng Nghị Sĩ đảng Cộng Hòa
Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue...
2.- Cũng xin kính, thân mời Quý Vị hiện đang cư ngụ tai Nam. Bắc California tham dự đêm rally phản đối tên thống đốc thổ tả Gavin Newsom....
Trân trọng.
BMH ///
Washington, D.C 

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Breaking: California organizers are holding a mass-act of civil disobedience in defiance
of Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional curfew mandate.
They are asking everyone to meet at the following rally points at
8:00 P.M on Saturday, December 5. 2020. 
Các nhà hoạt dộng Cộng dồng tai Califonia tổ chức hành động dân sự đồng loạt để phản đối,
bất tuân lệnh giới nghiêm vi hiến của Gavin Newsom.
Họ yêu cầu mọi người gặp nhau tại các điểm tổ chức tập trung sau đây ( flyers đính kèm ở dưới)
vào lúc 8 giờ tối ngày Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 12.
Huntington Beach
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San Diego
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Santa Monica
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Brendan Keefe - Georgia Dec 04-1.jpg
Thu âm lén lệnh điều động của CNN boss Jeff Zucker là cùng phối hợp với Big Tech NGĂN CHẶN TIN TỨC CỦA HUNTER BIDEN, đồng thời ra lệnh cho phóng viên tấn công TT Trump. Nhiều tape kín đã bọc lộ CNN là một cơ quan TUYÊN VẬN chứ không phải là NEWS.
Cả ngày nay, người sáng lập Project Veritas, James O’Keefe, đã lật mặt, tiết lộ CNN trong một đoạn video ấn tượng được đăng vào sáng thứ Ba, nhà hoạt động Project Veritas tự xưng và thông báo cho giám đốc CNN Jeff Zucker, “Về cơ bản, chúng tôi đã nghe các cuộc nói chuyện ở đài CNN của ông trong hai tháng và ghi lại mọi thứ. Tôi chỉ muốn hỏi ông Jeff Zucker một số câu hỏi, nếu ông có một chút thời gian.” “Ông có còn cảm thấy mình là cái tên đáng tin cậy nhất trong giới Truyền Thông không?”. “Bởi vì tôi phải nói cho ông rõ là những gì tôi đã nghe thấy trong các cuộc điện đàm của ông. Ý tôi là, chúng tôi đã có rất nhiều bản ghi âm cho thấy ông không thực sự là một nhà báo độc lập.” “Cảm ơn bạn đã nhận xét, ”Zucker trả lời một cách khô khan. “Vì vậy, tất cả mọi người, vì vậy, tôi nghĩ điều chúng tôi sẽ làm là thiết lập một hệ thống mới và chúng tôi sẽ quay lại với các bạn, chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện phần còn lại của cuộc gọi sau một chút nữa.”
O'Keefe của nhóm Project Veritas đã phát hiện ra là gì từ CNN? Theo thông cáo vào tối thứ Ba của nhóm anh này, điều đáng nguyền rủa nhất là ban biên tập của CNN đã làm là buộc tội ông Tucker Carlson của Fox News là một kẻ phân biệt chủng tộc.
Phó chủ tịch chương trình toàn cầu của CNN, Marcus Mabry nói trong một đoạn băng. Là làm sao tìm cách chụp mũ ông Tucker Carlson của Fox News là một kẻ phân biệt chủng tộc.
Tucker Carlson của Fox News là một phóng viên bênh vực cho lẽ phải và ủng hộ TT Trump đã bị CNN chiếu cố tìm cách hạ gục và điều dơ bẩn này bị bộc lộ trong tape thu kính cuộc nói chuyện của Phó chủ tịch chương trình toàn cầu của CNN, Marcus Mabry.
Trong liên tục 2 tháng, Project Veritas đã thu âm được hằng chục cuộc nói chuyện điều động của những người cầm đầu CNN như giám đốc CNN Jeff Zucker đã ra lệnh cho phóng viên dìm tin tức của Hunter Biden và bôi nhọ TT Trump - Việc làm dơ bẩn của CNN bị bộc lộ và tức quá giám đốc CNN Jeff Zucker đã gọi Cảnh sát can thiệp bắt người thâu ấm lén, tuy nhiên Cảnh sát đã KHÔNG can thiệp vào chuyện này.
With Republican majority in State Senate and State House, certainly, Arizona legislatures can call back the certification
Arizona Legislature Calls for Immediate ‘Forensic Audit’ of Dominion Voting Machines
December 4, 2020 Updated: December 4, 2020
Arizona House and Senate have called for an audit of the Maricopa County election software and equipment following allegations of fraud and other irregularities presented by President Donald Trump’s team earlier this week.
In a news release Friday, GOP leaders of the Republican-controlled legislature sought an independent audit of Dominion Voting Systems software—used in Maricopa County—called for the audit.
State Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, a Republican said that Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors “is supportive of conducting an independent audit of their voting software and equipment,” adding: “It is important we maintain all of the voting public’s confidence in our elections, and this is a positive step.”
House Majority Leader Warren Petersen, a Republican, said that “a significant number of voters believe that fraud occurred,” citing “the number of irregularities” that allegedly occurred in Maricopa County and elsewhere in the state.
“Especially concerning,” he said, “are the allegations made surrounding the vendor Dominion,” adding that the county needs to carry out a “forensic audit on the Dominion software to make sure the results were accurate.”
The Epoch Times has reached out to Dominion for comment following Petersen’s statement. Maricopa County has not immediately responded to a request for comment.
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Previously, Dominion’s CEO and a spokesman have said it’s not possible to change votes from one candidate to another, as some witnesses claimed in affidavits and in legislature hearings across the United States. They also denied being able to monitor, in real-time, the tabulation of votes and have also denied that Dominion employees have access to the tabulation efforts, saying only county employees do.
In the letter, Petersen was joined by Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, in calling on the county to audit the results.
Their statement said that Maricopa supervisors have to “move expeditiously” on the forensic audit. The Electoral College will vote to certify the election on Dec. 14.
On Monday, Maricopa GOP Chairwoman Linda Brickman, for example, told the Legislature in an event hosted by President Donald Trump’s lawyers, saying that she and her Democratic partner saw “more than once” Trump votes default and shift to Joe Biden as they were entering votes into Dominion machines from ballots that the machines couldn’t read.
“I observed, with my Democratic partner, the preparation of a new ballot, since the original one was soiled, or wouldn’t go through the tabulators. I read her a Trump Republican ballot, and as soon as she entered it into the system, the ballot defaulted on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot,” Brickman told lawmakers on Monday. She said that her testimony was submitted in a sworn affidavit under perjury.
“We were never told what, if any corrective action was taken,” Brickman asserted. “All I know is the next day, I was called outside the room that I was working in for signature verification by a supervisor who said, ‘I understand you caused some problems this week and you thought our machines were not working correctly.”
Previously, Trump’s legal team and other lawyers have alleged that Dominion systems are compromised, which triggered a bevy of counter-statements from Dominion that they’re false.
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BUCHANAN: A Historic Presidency
Posted December 3, 2020 in Politics
Commentary by Patrick J. Buchanan
In the first two decades of the century, Joe Biden's choice for secretary of state supported U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. He was an ever-reliable liberal interventionist.
This same Antony Blinken could spend the first years of a Biden presidency helping extricate our country from the misbegotten wars he championed. What establishment Democrats like Biden and Blinken helped to do in previous administrations, they will likely now have to undo.  
Who effected this sea change in national thinking?
Donald Trump. 
Much that was said and believed before he came down the escalator in 2015 is no longer said or believed by the majority of Americans.  
And no institution has been more altered than the Republican Party.  
George H. W. Bush's vision of a "New World Order," launched at the after-party of his Gulf War victory, died with his presidency.
George W. Bush's crusade for global democracy to "end tyranny in our world" has been forgotten. Bush Republicans no longer speak for the party on foreign policy, trade or immigration.
NATO will never be the same again after Trump rudely demanded that freeloading nations pay their fair share of the collective defense or the Americans would pack up and come home from Europe.
Former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis may call for the ash-canning of the phrase "America First." He will fail. For, as both national motto and national policy, the slogan has put down roots in American soil because it comports with the will of the silent majority.  
Whatever the establishment believes, in the clash between nationalism and globalism, globalism has lost America.  
Moreover, the world is going this way.
Does not Xi Jinping put his own country first as he claims for China all the waters and islands for hundreds of miles into the East and South China seas? Does not Vladimir Putin put his own country first as he seeks to bring back under Moscow's wing the former republics of the Russian federation?
Does not President Erdogan put Turkey first as he sends arms and troops to pursue his country's interests in Libya, Syria, Cyprus, the South Caucasus and the Eastern Mediterranean in clashes with Greece?
What does Bibi Netanyahu put first, if not his own country, Israel?
If country and nation are not first in the hearts and minds of Americans, what should replace them? Some nonexistent New World Order? The U.N.? NATO? A multilateral caucus of global institutions?
Under Trump, economic nationalism has displaced free trade globalism as the trade policy of the party and government.
The GOP elite that backed Bill Clinton on NAFTA, supported a new transnational World Trade Organization, invited China to join the club, and accorded Beijing most-favored-nation trade status is now silent.
Tariffs to force open foreign markets and punish predator-traders who take advantage of American workers have replaced the free trade fundamentalism that had been dogma since Dwight Eisenhower's days.
Nor is the Republican Party likely to return to free trade, as long as "China First" is the undeclared policy pursued by the nation that has now displaced us as the world's leading manufacturing power.
The George Bush-John McCain Republican Party was for amnesty for illegals and open borders for new migrants. Today's GOP supports the deportation of illegals and the 30-foot Trump Wall on the Mexican border.  
Not only is Trumpism triumphant in the GOP's ideological battles, but its victory was validated in 2020. While Trump may have narrowly lost states that gave him an electoral majority in 2016, he grew the GOP presidential vote by 10 million, held the Senate and added GOP votes in the House, an almost unprecedented feat for a defeated President.
Trump did not establish the new relationship with Russia he had promised, nor did he end the forever wars of the Middle East. Yet, the U.S. is closer today to the exit ramps from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.  
Can anyone believe that Bush Republicans or the "Never-Trumpers" are the future of the party when one considers the massive and visceral reaction of millions of Trump voters even to the idea of conceding his defeat in this election? After the dust has settled from this election, Trump's achievements will begin to be recognized.  
He cut tax rates and federal regulations and produced in his fourth year the lowest unemployment rate ever among Black Americans, women and racial and ethnic minorities. He remade the Supreme Court, producing a 6-3 constitutionalist majority no predecessor was able to achieve.  
He crushed ISIS in Syria and eliminated the caliphate there. He pulled us out of the Paris climate accord, the Iranian nuclear deal and the World Health Organization. His Operation Warp Speed initiative helped produce two vaccines for the worst pandemic in a century within less than a year. And he brought the Dow back up to 30,000.
A not unimpressive record, though our media elite will never concede it. 
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever
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