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Hai bản tin thời sự rất đáng quan tâm.... Xin mời Quý Vị dành ít thì giờ của ngày cuối
tuần theo dõi, để tường và tùy nghi thẩm định..
Sat 1/16/2021 1:35 PM
BMH ///
Washington, D.C 

Xin chuyển đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH.....
Hai bản tin thời sự rất đáng quan tâm....
Xin mời Quý Vị dành ít thì giờ của ngày cuối tuần theo dõi, để tường và tùy nghi thẩm định..
Trân trọng..
President Donald Trump shakes hands with Mike Lindell (L), founder of MyPillow, during a Made in America event with U.S. manufacturers in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on July 19, 2017. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump shakes hands with Mike Lindell (L), founder of MyPillow,
during a Made in America event with U.S. manufacturers in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on July 19, 2017. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

MyPillow CEO Visits Trump in Oval Office Carrying Mysterious Notes

January 15, 2021 Updated: January 16, 2021
Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch ally of President Donald Trump, was seen leaving the Oval Office Friday with mysterious notes.
The notes were photographed by Washington Post photographer Jabin Botsford, but were folded in the middle and most sentences are incomplete.
However, the title of the document reads “…TAKEN IMMEDIATELY TO SAVE THE … CONSTITUTION.”
“Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting” is also visible on the notes.
The document appears to mention martial law.
Joe Biden’s Inauguration has been cancelled, President Trump would remain in office and the Chinese Communist Party propaganda media outlets of ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC would soon be off the airwaves according to President Trump.
“I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Section 10 U.S. Code 13 251-255) to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by Democrat and Republican lawmakers, CCP Agents (Chinese Communist Party), FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others to dismantle the United States of America and it’s Constitution,” President Trump declared on Thursday 14 Jan. “These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”
President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act after another assassination attempt on him last Sat. morning 9 Jan. According to his Intel, Chinese Communist Party Agents, the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others of the Deep State have – with the help of the Main Stream Media – long been planning to dismantle the US and it’s Constitution.
Of course, none of these treasonous acts have been reported by the corrupt Main Stream Media. Trump had evidence that the MSM was “embedded with CIA and Chinese Communist Party agents whose sole purpose was to direct public opinion toward a Deep State agenda.”
During President Trump’s four years in office he and what has been referred to as the Alliance have been fighting this Cabal – a Satan worshipping force composed of thirteen Satanist Bloodline families out of Italy, the Vatican, UK Monarchy, British M16, Chinese Communist Party, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and certain Republican and Democratic Lawmakers. Another attempt on his life was the last straw.
Since that Sat. 9 Jan. the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander in Chief and General Flynn in charge of the Military. As such Trump has signed multiple Executive Orders that among other powers, allowed for Military arrests and Tribunals.
Soon to be acted upon were well over 222,286 sealed indictments against political and global elites filed in federal courts across the nation.
By law with the Insurrection Act in effect, Trump would remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies were arrested. He would soon take down the Main Stream Media.
“I’m drafting an Executive Order to take the following propaganda media outlets off the airwaves: ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. I am also working with the FCC to pull their licenses. We have evidence that all of these media organizations employ agents of the Chinese Communist Party as well as embedded CIA Agents whose sole purpose is to brainwash, hypnotize and direct public opinion toward certain agendas that support the Left and Deep State. These organizations are a threat to national security and virtually nothing they report is actual news.”
It’s no small task to take down the Cabal. Military and Special Forces units have been deploying all over the US in 400+ cities. Right now there were over 15,000 troops in DC according to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Special Forces units have covertly infiltrated Antifa and Black Lives Matter and made silent covert arrests.
That same Sat. 9 Jan. POTUS and the Department of Defense postponed the 20 Jan. Presidential Inauguration. Intel sources claimed that if Joe Biden was not inaugurated there were corrupt-FBI plans to help stage Antifa and BLM violence in DC and at the 50 state capitols from Sat 16 Jan. through Wed. 20 Jan. Biden couldn’t be inaugurated anyway because of the Insurrection Act that demanded Trump remain in office “until all domestic enemies were arrested.”
A corrupt Mass Media has refused to report anything but their Left Wing agenda believed paid for by the CCP. Thus, the President has announced he would soon activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This was expected during what has been referred to as Ten Days of Darkness, or media outage.
With the EBS everyone would get alerts on their phones, TV, radio and Internet that would override other broadcasts for several hours at a time. The broadcasts would explain the silent war happening across the globe between the Cabal and Alliance.
This week Trump Intel providers Robert David Steele and Juan OSavin explained, “This may not be settled until April 1. Anyone including Fox, who refuses to broadcast the President of the US faces loss of their FCC licenses as well as criminal punitive actions, perhaps a military takeover.”
On Wed. 13 Jan. in an urgent message to the American people President Trump called for peace. Intel sources were reporting that riots were planned in DC and across the nation. He condemned the rioters at the state capitol, as well as a recent assault by Social Media on our Freedom of Speech and then activated military forces to quell unrest.
The recent violation of Social Media platforms to censor Freedom of Speech was of concern. Donald Trump Jr. to the rescue. Trump Jr. announced that a new social media platform was coming soon called the Freedom Social Network.
More important, President Trump had officially shut down the Cabal’s USA Inc. and re-started a restored Republic on 4 July 2020.
It was all a part of the Alliance’s Plan to free the globe of the Communist Parties /Cabal’s suppression of The People. “The Plan To Save The World”:
As part of that plan President Trump’s Space Force has been involved in worldwide blackouts in multiple countries as Alliance Special Force units made arrests. Overnight to Sun. 10 Jan. multiple arrests were conducted, including in Frankfurt Germany – home of the CIA office where Dominion Voting machines illegally changed Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election. 
Over last weekend French and Russia Alliance military leaders’ Special Force units took out Deep Staters in Italy, Pakistan, Berlin and Paris. By the first of the week they had moved to Iran where they caused Blackouts in order to target global and regional terrorism. 
By Tues. 12 Jan. the White House had launched the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office. This officially activated Space Force and it’s Quantum Computer that would put us and the world on the Gold Standard, provide a transparent and instantaneous Quantum Voting System for our first Restored Republic Election in March 2021, plus provided the platform for a top secret Global Broadcast Satellite Program that could override all TV screens for President Trump’s worldwide addresses.
During this coming weekend to 20 Jan. there may be food and supply shortages, on-off outages of communication, media and social media, plus ATM and credit card transaction disruptions. You were advised to be prepared.
The Alliance was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecretary of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Chairman Joint Chief Mark Milley, Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by JF Kennedy Jr.), the National Security Agency and various militaries across the globe in SOF Units, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol, plus the US Marines, National Guard and Special Ops Units.
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