Bill at Auburn University

Master of Computer Science & Software Engineering

My experience at Auburn University

Cloud Computing Project, June - August 2016

  • Linux System Admin / OpenStack (Centos)
Project Scope: Setup multiple virtual machines in OpenStack to be used to emulate a server center environment, including NAT, DNS, NTP, IPTables, and Passwordless SSH. (OpenStack) Set up virtual networks, routers, security groups, ssh key pairs, virtual machines (horizon and cli). (Centos) Set up NAT, DNS, NTP, docker, bridges, veth-pairs, and opened appropriate ports via iptables.
  • OpenStack / Ceph (Deployment/Management) - Centos

Project Scope: Deploy multi-node OpenStack with ceph as storage backend using Kolla-Ansible. Create initial public network for tenants, define flavors, create and use image, create projects and users, create vm using my deployment of OpenStack.

Tools:  named, ntpd, iptables, bridge-utils, ip, ifconfig, vi, docker, ceph, Kolla-Ansible, CentOS, OpenStack

Email: bzt0016[at]

Phone: +1 334 329-8415


Address: Auburn, Alabama

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