Completed credit hours

Bachelor of English Language & Literature

Being interested in English language when I was in sixth grade, I taught myself how to read English materials and to use the dictionary properly. Besides English classes which were compulsory subject that every students have to take, I read short humor stories, Math books, and short headlines in newspapers written in English. When I was in ninth grade, I bred beta fish and involved in an international forum of all beta lovers, where I had chance to meet and talk with English spoken people via the Internet.

After graduated from high school, I decided to apply to the University of Social Sciences & Humanities, which is one of the two biggest institutions in the field of social sciences and humanities in Vietnam. I had very good and success college life in the school. I was taught about fundamental reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in my first two years. Then I was taught about environment, society, literature, business, history and culture in Britain and America. Everyday to school was my favorite day. And I also had unforgettable with my classmates when we had class activities, group projects and hanging out together.

After I graduated from the University of Science in November 2015, I received an offer from Auburn University. I was so regret to postpone my program at the University of Social Sciences & Humanities when I had only one semester to go.

Email: bzt0016[at]auburn.edu

Phone: +1 334 329-8415

Website: www.binhthtran.com

Address: Auburn, Alabama

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